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Friday 3 May 2013

YOTV standard has dropped Said Former Yotv presenter.

Cc Ravhele:

Famous kid Tv Yotv that airs at SABC 1 has lost its value after the viewers numbers dropped, its no longer a kid tv that every kid from the age of 5 to 12 would run home after school to check wildroom, now its full of old presenters and shows that are not neccesary.
if u disagree
do a test and ask any kid between the age of 5-10 if the ever watch Yotv let alone know it.

just curious: Sadly the standard has since dropped.
Cc Ravhele, former YOTV presenter: That’s the thing. I started a trending topic on twitter. I got home early one afternoon and was watching kids TV and waitse I was saying whatever came out because it’s disappointing to see where it is now. I used to rush home from the bus wanting to watch wildroom before I was on it.
interview at

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