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Thursday 2 May 2013

Blaming The ANC For Madiba Footage Doesn’t Make Us Saints

Blaming The ANC For Madiba Footage Doesn’t Make Us Saints

May 2, 2013 by  
A lot has been said about the footage of Madiba on SABC news over the weekend and many blasted the ANC for using Madiba.
Madiba was flanked by President Zuma, Baleka Mbete and Cyril Ramaphosa… and the old man showed no emotion whatsoever, he wasn’t talking, nor smiling like we’ve come to know him.
You can watch the video HERE
During the last couple of months, Madiba was sort of in and out of hospital and in all those occassions, the media went to camp outside his hospital and his home, and I will assume that the presence of cameras meant that they also wanted to catch a glimpse of the old man to show to their viewers and readers. It is then, quite surprising that the same people are the ones who are now giving the ANC a hard time for showing Madiba to the world in that state.
The DA, bona ke they should not even start pointing fingers, they also “used” Madiba recently in one of their posters…
Back to the Madiba issue: 
Before this video, we hadn’t see Madiba for a while. A lot of people were saying they wanted to see Madiba, and did not want to believe that he was in “good spirits” as ANC and the Presidency kept telling us. Some people went as far as saying that we were being lied to, and Madiba had already passed on.
Maybe the ANC showed us the Madiba footage so they could ge the “We want to see Madiba” cries off their back?
You know how after someone dies, you hear people going “I wish I had seen him/her one last time” and even that part at a funeral where they open the casket for people to see the deceased,…. you know where I”m going with this right?
Without being insensitive, we all know the old man will not be around for much much longer and if anything happens to him, I believe a lot of people would be comforted by having seen him and we would be more accepting because simbonile, he is old. I doubt that there will be any more people still crying “We want to see Madiba”… after this.
If there is anything to criticize the ANC about, it is HOW they chose to show us that Madiba is well. I do believe that could have been done better because there was certainly no comfort in seeing Tata sitting there and uncomfortable with what was going on around him. But surely his wife/family should share in the blame meted out to the ruling party?
Now though, I hope we will leave Tata to rest peacefully at home, yes, we did get the OTHER message they were trying to send with the footage , he will die a member of the ANC.
Thee are no saints here… not the ANC, not the DA, not us and certainly not the Media. We know some are only mad because they didn’t get the exclusive footage
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