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Wednesday 24 April 2013



Just because your feet fit perfectly in your mother’s
shoes that does not make you a woman little girl
Cherry popping I wonder of you put lip stick on your vagina
Draw pubic hairs with your mother’s eye liner
I wonder of you try on tampons just to see what a penis feels like
Only difference is you pull out when you want to
I wonder if you rape yourself in your sleep
Too young to understand how to love yourself properly
Sticking your Crayola fingers in between your thighs It always hurts the first time.

Maybe tomorrow you won’t cry I wonder if your mother recognizes the blood stains in your Cinderella underwear Or if she cared enough to acknowledge they were there
And apart of me wants to blame your daddy But some fathers are like God,
you never see them but you know they exist And some little girls would rather give their life before letting their dead beat dad save their life.

I wonder if you stuff your bra just to distract people from your heart beat
But the Corona of your breath does not hide to Similac on your teeth
You are still a baby And Kotex and pampers are 2 different brands for a reason
And penises and pacifiers are not both made for teething
And the thirst of your soul will not be quenched with a man’s semen
Who cares about your bra size when you C cups as half empty
In a sorry Beyonce made you trade in your Cinderella Custom
for a freak him dance

But Halloween is not the only day that exposes damsels in distress How long will you let yourself for susceptible to cat calls and whispers just to get a fucking glass slipper?
The same men you are waiting on to cum and save you
Are the same men who’s cum made you
The same men who put you on ships for 76 days and raped you
The same men who will tell you that knights in shining armor will make you feel protected Same men writing scripts for the Disney Channel convincing you Pocahontas was never molested.
Save your soul Because the coldest nights are not the ones alone,
they are the spent holding yourself realizing your body is hallow Stop cursing the stanzas placed on your tongue with fair that you my actually have a voice Pick your pinks back up
Because I know grown women who would trade in their wisdom teeth for Barbies Did you ever read the fine print on growing up Is that you have to face to responsibilities And monopoly money will not pay for your mistakes You can’t hula-hoop with reality and play hide and go seek with you fate Enjoy the days where you and Dora the Explorer can still relate Because soon blue won’t have all the clues And the dales of dragons will be locked away in safes Tell me who finger fucked your childhood out of you and tell them I challenge them to a thumb wrestling match for it back Just for you to enjoy the innocence of your soul placed on Santa Clause’s lap

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